8 New Year’s Business Marketing Resolution To Make In 2023

Last update: February 14, 2023

2023 has come with new opportunities, potential growth, and ideas for elevating your marketing plans to a new level. It’s time to create new moves for 2023 and put 2022 behind us.

Making new year’s resolutions is a great way to think back on the past year and plan to alter things for the better in the next year. We’ve compiled a list of doable New Year’s resolutions for marketing and business professionals they can use to succeed in 2023.


Here are the 8 New Year’s resolutions for business and marketing professionals:

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1. 8 New Year’s Resolutions for Marketing Professionals in 2023

1. Aim Toward the User Experience (UX) Designs

The process of deciding how a user will engage with your product is known as user experience design (UX design). Focusing on the user experience necessitates thoroughly comprehending the user’s requirements, capabilities, constraints, and expectations.

Google developed a new set of “Core Web Vitals” measures to gauge a website’s user experience, including load time, interaction, and visual stability. According to Google, users favor websites with good page experiences. In 2023, Google will use these indicators with the current Search criteria to determine a page’s ranking; therefore, you must put the user experience first.

Start paying attention to the user experience in the following ways:

  1. Focus on mobile. 46% of people used their phones as their primary research tool. If a consumer has a bad experience using your website, they will leave and go to one of your competitors.
  2. Increase website load time. 40% of users will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. A website’s load time affects how accessible it is; therefore, a site with a lengthy load time is less accessible.
  3. Create A/B testing. There is no specific formula for a web design. To enhance your site’s navigation and usability, A/B testing is a terrific approach to finding out what’s practical for your users and what is not.
  4. Employ a UX designer. Adopt the finest practices to enhance your consumer’s experience with the help of a skilled UX designer and website designer.

2. Remain current with original Marketing Material

Many companies face a significant marketing issue: how to distinguish from competitors. Since everyone is utilizing the same digital approaches, one should find new digital marketing tactics in 2023 to stand out from the rest.

When connecting with your audience, having beautiful photos and interesting visual material is engaging. Images are preferred by 68% of customers, and graphic material is 40X more likely to be shared on social media.

Hence, it is reasonable to assume that marketing is a dynamic field where we can keep trying new platforms, rules, and algorithms to reach the top.

3. Explore new Strategies and Trends

Investing weekly time in market research is the most excellent method to stay current in the fast-paced marketing industry. However, implementing these new techniques and trends in your market is the next step after learning. Try out innovative tactics like account-based marketing, generation Z targeting, interactive video experiences, and more to keep your company on the cutting edge.

4. Utilize Paid Media, and other forms of multimedia promotion

Organic awareness needs to be improved in today’s overloaded media environment. You may quickly reach a larger pool of your target audience by using targeted ads. Any brand may raise its brand recognition by investing in paid advertising.

It’s an excellent chance to get a new audience with your company’s name and products before your rivals do. The following are some methods that an organization might advertise its content through paid media:

Digital Media/ InboundOutbound Media
Social media advertisementNewspaper
Display advertisementsBillboard Banner
Paid search outcomesRadio
Add videosTV
Email MarketingEvents

Several other tools are available for marketing and business professionals to increase productivity, save time, and expand their businesses. Make sure to use the KPIs for sponsored media in your campaign decisions to accurately gauge your commercials’ impact.

5. Improve your Digital Strategy with SEO and Chatbot

You may connect with your contacts in various phases of the buyer’s journey using multiple strategies such as AI Chatbots. Use Search Engine Optimization to ensure you reach your audience’s top searches. To determine what material your target audience is reacting to, keep an eye on your analytics and historical success and make improvements as necessary.

6. Use Different Social Media Platforms

It makes sense to include social media in your marketing plan, given that more than half of the globe utilizes social media and that new social platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok are becoming more popular than ever.

When used correctly, social media may help your business reach a wider audience, strengthen your brand, and create a devoted following of clients. Social media should be used to interact with your audience. Be social, engage and make reliable connections.

7. Plan your Contingency Marketing

We learned through COVID-19 how important it is to plan ahead to keep on top of things. In such circumstances, having a contingency marketing strategy is beneficial. Determine the essential business operations, list the associated risks, and then specify the course of action before creating a plan.

Brands may experience digital emergencies on social media. So, utilize your social media for crises and get advanced on particular situations.

8. Improve the quality of content

To direct the course of your content, stop concentrating on high-ranking keywords and instead pay attention to the following:

  • Putting content that your audience is genuinely looking for.
  • Producing restorative material that fosters human connections and trust.
  • Having unique and pertinent material.
  • Creating SEO-friendly content.
  • Making your information easier to read and skim.

Example of Branding:


Digital Branding & Website: Devmark was looking for an agency to produce a compelling brand identity representing its vision. Thus, with our detailed research and expert approach, we built a new brand identity and website that perfectly express the spirit of Dubai’s top real estate consulting company.

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2. Work with Vowels

Whether your objective for 2023 is to increase growth, establish new relationships, or rebrand to remain relevant, we are here to support and assist you. It’s time to contact reputable branding companies UAE like Vowels to realize your vision if you want to rebrand your company. Whether it be a logo redesign, website redesign, updated message, or a total brand makeover, we are experts in brand consulting, corporate branding, strategy, brand guidelines, CI handbook, and brand presentation.


3. FAQs

Q. What future changes can we expect for branding?

Ans. Brands will need to find more innovative methods to individually personalize ads, software, and goods to each customer. In the future of branding, it will be relatively easy to compete if you can relate to your customers on a human level.

Q. Will Influencer Marketing still work in 2023?

Ans. Influencer marketing will become a popular marketing strategy. It will be included in the marketing trends of 2023. Moreover, Social media will be used as a tool for customer support.

Q. How will marketing change in 2023?

Ans. A mentality change from technical-based marketing to anticipatory marketing will occur in 2023. This will allow marketers to foresee consumers’ desires and incorporate that information into automated processes. This new way of thinking will increase productivity and allow for customization.

Geet B.
Branding Expert

I'm a business strategist and brand consultant who helps brand solve their business problems through developing competent experiences driven by insights from diagnosing leadership mindset. Need help with your brand? — Get in touch

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