How Vowels Strategically Redesigned/Rebranded Its Client’s Logo in 2023

Last update: April 1, 2023

There are many reasons why a company decides to update its logo. When the logo no longer accurately represents the brand or the future vision of the founders, the logo update becomes essential. Redesigning a logo also becomes necessary when a company has undergone an evolution or has begun to concentrate on markets. The possibility that the business is expanding and needs a suitable brand architecture to match its expanded size and scope is another reason. Moreover, redesigning a logo may also be necessary due to trademark concerns, reputational management, or a desire to change the company’s positioning in the marketplace.


Although redesigning a company’s logo can be difficult, it is becoming frequently essential for companies to stay competitive and efficient in a hyper-fast world.

Are you working on a project to revamp a logo? Let us demonstrate how we operate.

At Vowels, we have redesigned hundreds of logos over time. To illustrate our process for redesigning and meeting our client’s objectives, let us first show you a few of the logos we redesigned in 2023.

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1. Vowels Case Studies: Redesigned & Rebranded Clients Logos

Our most recent work for Excelsis Business Solutions is the best example of a rebranded logo.

Excelsis Business Solutions


  • Goal: Hansa Global, a worldwide company, rebranded as Excelsis Business Solutions. Their old approach did not correspond to their new, inventive and forward-thinking sustainable approach. Hence, they came to Vowels for assistance in taking them to the next step, which entailed a fresh look and a whole new vision.
  • Process: We revised the company’s vision and brand strategy based on our in-depth research. We assisted them in switching from their current situation to a new, more technologically advanced, greener approach. We picked the brand theme of green, related to sustainability, and incorporated it in the logo. The razor-cut logo letters symbolize the Sun, Earth, and Sea. Thus, the logo can directly depict its new vision.
  • Result: The transition will help them to brand themselves as the leading tech-based green energy provider in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Through the power of a new brand personality and thematic approach, the brand will be able to clarify itself to the audience as a progressive energy provider.



  • Goal: Enviros has been in the industry for over 20 years and wanted a new look that appeals to the audience and enhances the brand’s core values. Thus, they came to the Vowels Agency to increase their ability to be recognized as a reliable state of art tech solution for high-strength hazardous wastewater.
  • Process: Our expert team quickly started working on producing a strategically appealing rebranding strategy that can provide them with a new look, is visually appealing, and covers up their new goals. Hence, we created a new brand identity with a new design, colors, font, logo, and style.  The new logo gives a stable and balanced look and symbolizes reliability and stability. The logo has SANS font, and the color combination defines sustainability. The lines on the logo depict water waves, and the color palette combines Pacific Blue, Tech Blue, and Sustainable green.
  • Results: The new vision demonstrates Enviro’s efforts to improve the environment, the economy, and the community. The new purpose, brand promise, vision, and values are crystal clear, concise, and excellent at focusing on the intended audience.

2. Logo Redesign/Rebranding vs. Logo Refresh

Sometimes, many companies may agree that their current logo has to be changed, but they need clarification about redesigning, refreshing, or rebranding brand. Let’s examine how these ideas vary from one another.

If an existing logo is updated and enhanced, it is called a logo refresh/redesign. If a brand requires a complete makeover or development, it is called rebranding.

Hence, if the present logo’s concept matches the brand (and its strategy), you might consider improving the implementation (better refresh it).

However, if the idea is not so great, or the brand has evolved and no longer works, you should start over (logo rebrand).

Companies also change their logos and corporate identities regularly (every few years or so) to remain relevant and fresh (up-to-date).

3. Work with Vowels

Updating a company’s logo may be important in keeping a strong brand and being competitive in the market.

Many causes might influence the choice to redesign a logo, including the necessity to modernize an old logo, changes in the business, or the wish to express the brand better.

Thus, with the help of an expert like Vowels, you can have a strategic vision and elegantly displayed logos by the market experts.

So, what are you waiting for? Check our portfolio immediately, and feel free to schedule a call with us.

Also, check out another article where we guide you through the logo design process.

4. FAQs

Q. What factors need to be taken into account while redesigning a logo?

Ans. These are the factors

  • Pay attention to the typography, including the typefaces, style, and sizes.
  • Make sure the hue, and tone are appropriate.
  • To establish balance, adjust the font size concerning other components.
  • Correctly align the composition’s parts.

Q. Why is it vital to change a logo?

Ans. It is essential to understand how customers view your business and whether or not they will get attracted to your initial impressions. Redesigning a logo is smart if it needs to be updated, more complex, and more relevant.

Q. What exactly does it mean to redesign a logo?

Ans. Redesigning a logo entails giving it a new, superior look. Redesigning a logo is a current trend around the globe. However, whether this is the best strategy to advertise the brand or simply a need for a new design is a subject that requires an expert consultation, such as Vowels Agency.

Q. What are the three logo elements?

Ans. An excellent logo is made up of three aspects that work well together.

  • The brand logo: It is the logo’s graphics component.
  • The trademark: It is the company/product name or trade name.
  • The tagline: The strapline is a brief sentence that contextualizes the brand name.

Geet B.
Branding Expert

I'm a business strategist and brand consultant who helps brand solve their business problems through developing competent experiences driven by insights from diagnosing leadership mindset. Need help with your brand? — Get in touch

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