Basic Introduction to Art and Illustration Graphic Design

Last update: January 9, 2025

The love for art and illustrations is widespread in every part of the world. Earlier, artists used to showcase their talent on broad canvases with natural paints and brushes. Today, technology has enabled us to use the digital canvas for the same! The term used for the modernisation of this art form is what we know as “art and illustration graphic design”. Yes, it depicts the ideas and creativity of illustrators but gives it a popular creative designing to make the craft sell in the market! This art can take multiple forms. Read on to discover everything about art and illustration graphic design!

What is art and illustration graphic design?

When the commercial success of graphic design meets the raw artistry of art and illustrations, we get this unique and exciting discipline, named art and illustration graphic design. It is about using the elements and ideas of illustration to create graphic designs that are worth something in the market. Demand for this type of design has increased substantially in the past few years. From comic books and album arts to video games and stock images, you can find art and illustration graphic design prevalent on almost every platform!

Also know – Types of Graphic Designs

Use of art and illustration graphic design in different fields

Art and illustration graphic designs have become useful in different fields of the commercial market. Publishers, textiles and fashion houses, presto companies, video editors, and many more lines of work are using this discipline successfully. Some of the flourishing collaborations of this discipline are explained below.

  • Illustrative designs for textiles: Textile companies that produce jute bags, women’s handbags, graphic t-shirts, and other merchandise are highly preferring the use of art and illustration graphic design in their products. You can easily find these products with abstract and artistic prints on them.
  • Pictorial novels: Some historic or illustrative novels have abstract illustrations of certain ideas and imagery that writers explain in the context. Publishers use the services of trained graphic designing teams to create all these graphics illustrations for their novels. The popularity of this art has also increased considerably in the past decade.
  • Comic books: Comic books have been in existence for ages! Traditionally, they were popular because of the real illustrations drawn by comic book writers or artists. Many publishing houses are recreating old successful comic books by using art and illustration graphic design to give a more realistic and eye-pleasing feel to the content. This idea brings a little digital effect to the images.
  • Video games: Art and illustration graphic designers are a part of the creative team of video game makers. The small details on the background, items, tools, weapons and characters of these virtual games embrace the work of master graphic illustrators. The overall impact may look like that of VFX artists, but it comprises small slides and parts formed using this discipline.
  • Product infographics: Most of the leading brands and companies are using art and illustration graphic design to create infographic posters for their online portals. These infographics portray the features, benefits and design of the products precisely. Also, they catch customers’ attention more than scripted wordings ever could!
  • Conceptual Art Illustrations: People who have always been into art and illustration use the medium of graphic design to sell their ideas. They also create websites or online portals to make their concepts viable in the commercial market.
  • Album art: The trend of storing digital images into illustrative albums has gained importance in recent times. The background of these albums portrays art and illustration graphic designs on the cover, corners of every page and so on.
  • Stock image illustrations: Graphic designers who have expertise in art and illustrations also work for stock image websites to create images that can sell in the market. These images display the best of both worlds! Content creators use these images in their blogs and posts to present an idea in symbolism. Do you know how to find best graphic designer?

Art illustration vs. graphics design illustration

Some people use art illustration, and graphic design illustration interchangeably or often think of the two concepts as one. But there is a considerable difference between the two! Art and illustration graphic design uses classic fine arts and then emphasises communicating ideas through it. Designers use the shapes, patterns, strokes, colour combinations, and layouts of abstract ideas to create graphic illustrations. It is more like digital painting but with an emotion or idea to convey. Art and illustration graphic design have become so successful because of this well-balanced mixture.

Ways to promote art & illustration graphic designs

Art and illustration graphic designs attract a lot of people, but only a few know how to make the most of their applications. Here are some ideas that you can use to promote this discipline extensively.

  • Use every idea with clarity for viewers to be able to depict the emotion. Utilise the fine arts concepts in the designs to make decent worth of them.
  • Promote art and illustration graphic design in product labels. Yes, you can use different styles on egg cartons, soft drink cans, etc.
  • Do not mix all the concepts in this union of illustration and graphic design. Align every element with the other compatibly so that none of them looks piled up on the other!
  • Hire the most high-grade and creative designing team to get the job done!

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Avail of the best art & illustration graphics services

Every brand tries to discover new ways and alternatives to beat its competitors. You can try this exclusive trend of using art and illustration graphic design for product promotions. If you are successful in putting all elements together, the ideas can be a huge breakthrough! Although it is a tricky business to sell this concept with proven commercial success, you can look up to the trained artists at VOWELS. Our team will help you use the artistic concepts of this discipline to portray your brand and its products in eye-pleasing illustrations. Call us or visit our website to get more details on how to make this ideology come true!

Geet B.
Branding Expert

I'm a business strategist and brand consultant who helps brand solve their business problems through developing competent experiences driven by insights from diagnosing leadership mindset. Need help with your brand? — Get in touch

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